Saturday, January 22, 2011


Without realising, I have allowed my holidays to fall into a pretty consistent routine. It goes something like this:

8:30AM: Alarm starts ringing. Get out of bed, turn it off, get back in bed.
8:45AM: Mum comes in. Tells me to get out of bed.
9:00AM: Get out of bed.
9:30AM: Breakfast, coffee (I like coffee now), read newspaper etc. (Wow, I sound like some stereotypical white dude.)
10:30AM - 5:00PM: Grey area. Time is spent studying and working on the storyboard for my 4U English. Up to 40% of this time is consumed by distractions like iPod games. Somewhere in there I have lunch.
5:00PM: I ride my bicycle, bicycle.
6:00PM: Dinnertime!
7:00PM: Dick around on the Internet. Lol.
8:00PM: Watch a movie/ TV show.
11:00PM: Get back on computer. If the movie was particularly good/ confusing, I'll read it's Wikipedia article.
Really LateAM: Sleep.

And that's my holidays. Some extra information. My 4U idea is a short film adaptation of 'The Tell-Tale Heart'. I feel it's going reasonably well. I've managed to watch: Every Indiana Jones movie, The Big Sleep, The Shining, Superman, Snatch, Scott Pilgrim (holy shit, almost every movie starts with an 's') and I'm a few episodes into season five of Dexter.

Also, I started playing Maplestory a bit once the new Mechanic class came out. It's definitely much more fun than I expected. I have a level 27 Mechanic right now, ign: DrCrane. Buddy me pls.

1 comment:

blowingintheair said...

i like to ride my bicycle =DD