Monday, August 20, 2012

The Notebook

Alright, I'll admit that I always thought The Notebook was a really crappy girly movie that I would not want to watch ever. And I've always really disliked it when people judge a movie because of what genre it belonged to or if it was too girly or whatever

So the other day I decided to watch it, because I found out that Ryan Gosling was in it and he seems to make romance movies less cheesy I guess (I saw Blue Valentine which was another really good movie).

The basic outline is that an old man reads to an old woman with Alzheimer's everyday from a notebook in the hopes that she will remember something. The notebook tells the story of how Ryan Gosling meets Rachael McAdams during the 1940s in some shithole town and they fall in love. He is poor and she is rich and her parents are dicks who won't let them be together. Eventually she has to leave for college which is in New York and they have to say goodbye. If you don't know by now the general gist of how this story will go then you're an idiot. The plot is so predictable that within the first fifteen minutes, you already know how it will end.

So logically I should really hate this movie. Like how I really didn't like Avatar. But I do like this movie and it is probably mostly due to Ryan Gosling and Rachael McAdams. Somehow they manage to make this seemingly bs story into something that feels real. I'm gonna sound like a massive pussy for saying this but I really felt bad for Ryan Gosling during some parts of the movie.

So if any guys out there who aren't afraid of being called a wuss or who are very confident about their sexuality and are not influenced in what your peers may call you, then go ahead and watch this movie. And it goes without saying that every girl on the planet has already watched it also.