Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sad Old Day

Yeh, i've repeated this joke several times to people now but some people havent heard it yet ok? and also Old Day's Adam for yesterday (New Year's Eve geddit?!?! hahaha).

I missed the 9.00 fireworks yesterday because i forgot, but i did watch the midnight ones and i must say i was disappointed. it all started off well, and the fireworks were ok i guess (really seems the same to me every year really), but how come not a single technician thought it would be really funny if the hand on the harbour bridge put up its middle finger???? seriously when i saw that hand the first thought that popped into my head was that there might be a rude finger somewhere along, but nooooooooooo there wasnt and that ruined it for me. Other than that it was pretty good.

That is all.

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