Thursday, January 14, 2010


People who see me a lot may notice my face randomly twitches. Well I blame this on the discomfort of wearing glasses, which will be fixed tomorrow when I get contacts again (for free!).

It might be a bit late but I'd like to wish you all a happy new year. Let us now reflect on the great things that happened last year:

- 2009 was the International Year of Natural Fibres! I bet very few people knew that.

- Susan Boyle! Also known as the hairy angel.

- Inglourious Basterds. Wunderbar!
- The woman who dropped her baby in front of a train was pretty cool. Anyone who thinks that the baby wasn't that lucky should take note of this asian guy who did the same thing and died.

- This isn't really great but Michael Jackson died.

- Last but not least, Dennis Ferguson at the beach.

Two thumbs up!

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