Sunday, January 17, 2010


Has any of these things happened to anyone else?

- You're walking on a really empty street but there's one person on it you're about to walk into. So you cross the road to avoid having to exchange some sort of greeting with them without being rude. Unfortunately they cross the road too so you have to either say hi or cross the road and never look back.

- You're with a bunch of friends having some kind of conversation and for some reason you haven't said a word the whole time. Inside, you're thinking "wouldn't it be so impressive if I just spoke now and it was an amazingly witty and insightful statement." Unfortunately, by the time the conversation appears to die down, you still can't think of anything to say so you just blurt out something completely random and hope everyone laughs because it's silly. Too bad noone laughs; not even fake pity laughs because it's so devoid of humour.

- (Guys only) You're in a public toilet using the urinal and for some reason nothing comes out, though you were busting like crazy a few moments ago. After a minute or so, you feel awkward so you flush the urinal, wash your hands, exit the toilet, wait half a minute then re-enter to try again.

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