Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A deep sentimental story about me pondering the philosophies of life

Ok, so this sort of story usually belongs to (for some reason I always think the stories are made up), but yeah this is a true story that happened to me while I was sitting in my car.

At the traffic lights I was looking out the window and saw this guy in a wheelchair and he looked about 40 or 50. Anyway, the street that we stopped at was really really steep like at a 20 degree angle, sort of like that street outside our school on the cross country route, the one next to the big public road? Forgot what it's called. Anyway the guy had to wheelchair himself up that hill and it looked really difficult because he didn't have any of those rails at the side of the wheels and the armrests really restricted the pushing movement. Basically it was one of those wheelchairs that are designed for a person to push you rather than you wheeling yourself. Anyway, halfway up the hill he gets really tired and tries to stop so that he can rest. Except he can't really hold tight enough on the wheels and he starts to slip and eventually he ends up at the bottom of the hill again. After a few seconds he just looks up at the hill and starts pushing again. I didn't see what happened next because the light when green but yeh, for a long while I thought "Wow, this guy can never walk again and can't even go up a hill and there are people out there (myself included) who complain about stuff like the HSC". Watching that man just looking at that hill and trying again really put things in perspective for me.

That is all.

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