Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Today I got my driver's license. Holy shit. I can imagine that most people found little trouble going through the process. However for me, it was unbelievably nerve racking.

Firstly, there was the problem of booking the DKT (Driver Knowledge Test) in the first place. I accidentally booked for the day before I planned to go and because they don't refund your $38 if you fail to turn up, my parents had to pay for the test twice. That annoyed them a little. I also didn't realise I needed proof of address until I handed my application in. That caused a bit of trouble too.

In the test itself, there's this section of thirty questions where you're only allowed one error. About five questions into the test, I made a mistake. For the past week I've noted how embarassing it would be if I failed the DKT. I mean like, nobody fails right? So you can imagine the pressure I felt when the test suddenly turned to sudden death mode. The low point was about halfway into the test, there was one question I was really unsure about. Fortunately, I got it right but by then I was almost shitting my pants.

I've got my license now. The photo is pretty bad because I'm wearing my PE uniform and I'm not allowed to smile but it could be worse. Straight afterwards, I went to the library and borrowed Easy Rider, an MA15+ movie. When asked for proof of age, I was very happy to show my license. Unfortunately, I can't drive anytime soon because I'll be in New Zealand in two days (holy shit!) and straight afterwards, I'll be going to Malaysia until sometime in January. So it was kind of pointless to get my license now, but I'm very happy I got it over and done with.

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