Monday, December 20, 2010

Rollercoaster 3D

So you guys may be wondering what i have been doing in the holidays. or maybe you havent. u probably havent. dont worry if you havent because you're not missing out on much. I think the most exciting thing i have done during these holidays has been to play Rollercoaster 3D on my phone. Currently i am trying to get all five stars for each track. So far i have achieved this for 13 tracks.

Oh and ive also been reading the shipping news. So far, from what i can gather its about knots.
I have also watched blade runner. Pretty disappointing, there is no running on blades whatsoever. For some reason blade runner sounds like a good title for an ice skating movie.

There's also a new movie called The Fighter, with Christian Bale in it. Looks good.

I watch one episode of House a day. I have not watched any episodes of Chuck yet. The office is not airing over the christmas holidays so there probably wont be any quotes for a while.

I'm going to go cut my toenails now.

That is all.

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