Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Watching Movies with my parents

I don't know if you guys have ever watched a movie with your parents at home but i find it extremely irritating. Most of you probably watch movies on your computers now which are in your rooms, but I'm trapped, because i like to watch my movies on my television which is connected to my computer, and my television happens to be in the living room. Also my other computer is also in my living room so im screwed.

Basically what happens is, whenever i watch a movie, if it interests them, my parents will come sit down and watch it with me. Obviously sometimes there is the sex scene which can make things awkward, but at least my parents don't actually say anything. Instead they try to lecture me during a movie. They do this by pointing out the sacrifices that the character has to make and say that what i do (studying) is much easier than the sacrifice they are making. Or when a character displays a particularly noble (and this is asian noble) trait they say that i should copy that trait.

Example: I was watching The Spy Next Door and there is this scene where this ten year old kid has a chemistry textbook on his desk which he claims is his "light reading". My mum leapt at this and said "See, look at that kid. What a great kid. If only you did that you would have great marks" etc.
Another example? I'm watching Gladiator and the scene where Maximus dies, my dad says to me "Look at that guy, he gave up his life. All i want you to do is to study hard." At this point, i don't think my parents are even trying to make logical connections anymore.

Office quote of the day: My mind is going a mile an hour.

That is all

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