Monday, February 22, 2010


wow, i havent posted in a long time because i neither had anything interesting to post nor had any time to post. well i do now.

so i was driving home today and i noticed there are actually a lot of random stores. Like why the hell is there a store selling just doors? I mean its needed, but who the hell really buys them all the time? And there was this other one, whose tagline was "The Paper People" who sold all things paper related. Those things are needed but aren't there other stores that do the same thing? But the most random one was the "Stool Shop" which sold stools (no not faeces, stools like the ones you sit on). but nobody ever buys stools except for bars. Nobody even needs stools like they need doors or paper. needless to say it is closing down. It will be sorely missed.

Office quote of the day: Welcome Welcome

That is all

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