Monday, February 22, 2010


Well I got my bag back, which means I have my pencilcase again.

I've been sick for the past 2-3 weeks which is a really long time. It feels like I have a cold but the symptoms come one at a time over an extrended period. Raymond said he read an article about mosquitos spreading a flu-like disease in Australia but being the dumbass he is, he didn't realise this was in Queensland, where some river got flooded.

Anyway here's a super fun quiz thing.

1. Slept naked in the summer? Nope. If I lived alone I'd do it.
2. Taken a shower with someone? No. Unless I did when I was really small and can't remember.
3. Kissed a member of the same sex? Course not :D
4. Drove a car? Tractor :D
5. Stole anything? Accidentally from the supermarket.
6. Been in love? Yes
8. Stole money from a friend/family member? Well my mum doesn't mind if I take money out of her wallet without telling her.
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yeah
10. Been in a fist fight? Nope.
11. Snuck out of your/someone?s house? Yep.
12. Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yep.
13. Been arrested? No.
14. Hugged a stranger? Nope.
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yeah.
16. Left your house with out telling your parents? Yeah but I didn't go very far.
17. Had a crush on your neighbour? Ha. I live next to an elderly couple.
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? No.
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the opposite sex? When I was small, my sister.
20. Lost a friend? Well there's some I'd like to see again.
21. Been on a plane? Yeah
22. Been to an island? Heaps.
23. Slept in until 3? After a plane trip.
24. Love someone or miss someone right now? Noone comes to mind.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Very rarely.
26. Made a snow angel? Too cold.
27. Played dress up? I used to in the Drama room.
28. Cheated while playing a game? Cheating makes games fun!
29. Been lonely? Yeah
30. Kissed more than 4 people in one night? Nope.
32. Felt an earthquake? Nope.
33. Touched a snake? Yes.
35. Been suspended from school? Nope
36. Had detention? Yeah
37. Been in a car accident? No.
38. Had a party in your house while ur parents were away? No.
39. Used a fake id? Nope
40. Crawled through a window? A few times when I don't have keys to the house.
41. Been lost? Yeah.
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Nope.
44. Cried yourself to sleep? I don't see how you could do that.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yeah.
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Usually coke.
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Nope. Snow doesn't come down as gently as it does on tv.
50. Kissed in the rain? No
51. Sang in the shower? A lot.
52. Made love in a park? Nope.
53. Had a dream that you married someone? No.

There's another 47 questions which would be too boring for me to do and you to read.

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