Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Great Dennis =D

I watched the prestige last night courtesy of N.Y it is the best movie ever created O_O

It is just so tricksey and its got batman vs. wolverine xD

I stayed up so late watching it buh so im kinda sleepy =.="

You have to watch it anyone out there it is the best movie in the world =D

On another note i got a really dodgey haircut in Auburn today.

The guy was like how long and im like not too short because you walk around Auburn and everyone has these bald haricuts. BUT he actually gives me no too short and my mum starts lecturing me on how we have to go back to him sooner and on a yearly basis how much extra it costs =.="

So now i look like a fool and my hair is too long to be spikey buh too short to be hanging down.
I___________I yeah it kinda looks like a rectangle xD

To end i shall use a quote from the best movie in the world =D

Every magic trick consists of three parts or acts;
The first act is called the pledge, the magician shows you something ordinary
The second act is called the turnover, the magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary
But you wouldnt clap yet because making something dissapear isnt enough, you have to bring it back
Thats why every magic act has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call the prestige


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