Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

Firstly, someone called 'John Smith' just wrote the most amazing comment ever on my previous post. You gotta read it. I don't think the guy realises that Louie wrote the post about English but whatever. It blew my mind.

Anyway, today is April Fool's day. I spent a considerable amount of time (ie. the half minute I waited while the Crysis 2 campaign was loading) to think about something witty and ironic I could do on this blog, like I tried to do last year. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything genuinely funny.

Then again, the whole idea of April Fool's day is pretty unfunny. It's like a day where companies are meant to start hoaxes to show how creative they are. The artificiality of the process makes it hard to be funny. I doubt many people found these fake Artline ads very funny.


Perhaps the real purpose of April Fools day is to get people to play dumb tricks to look clever but ironically make a fool of themselves. Or perhaps I'm just miffed because I couldn't think of anything clever to do.

Also I finished the Crysis 2 campaign. Pretty cool. The main theme of the Crysis 2 soundtrack reminds me of the sound of a GPU under maximum stress. I see what they did there.

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