Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going to the hospital

I went to the hospital today with my mum to visit my grandpa, who had surgery to replace his fractured femur. This is the first time I visited because of exams and he seems to be recovering quite well. I think there a few scares about a possible infection before but the doctors said everything was looking okay.

Besides not being able to speak English, he's partially deaf and has a bit of dementia which makes him pretty temperemental when there's no family around. My parents and two uncles have pretty much set up a rotation so that there's almost always someone in his ward. It makes me wonder whether I would do the same thing in their situation.

Also interesting was that my grandpa is staying in the orthapaedic trauma ward, which was where I did my Year 10 work experience. I actually recognised one of the hot nurses.

In other news I have started playing the Crysis 2 single player campaign, which is really great.


JohnSmith said...

This letter is largely extemporaneous and unedited. I'm hoping that a stream-of-consciousness approach is the most honest way to convey information about how in the genesis of Vincent's ultimata, meddlesome begat licentious, which begat dirty, which begat muddleheaded. As this letter will make clear, when Vincent hears anyone say that as long as I live and breathe, I will strive to expose his initiatives for what they really are, his answer is to herald the death of intelligent discourse on college campuses. That's similar to taking a few drunken swings at a beehive: it just makes me want even more to maximize our individual potential for effectiveness and success in combatting him. He has two imperatives. The first is to alter laws, language, and customs in the service of regulating social relations. The second imperative is to treat people like iconoclastic, contumelious schnorrers.

In public, Vincent promises that he'd never lay waste to the environment. In private, however, he secretly tells his grunts that he'll do exactly that. I think we've seen this movie before: It's called Business as Usual for Vincent. Needless to say, mankind needs to do more to solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that wherever you look, you'll see Vincent enforcing intolerance in the name of tolerance. You'll see him suppressing freedom in the name of freedom. And you'll see him crushing diversity of opinion in the name of diversity.

If you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Vincent provides none. I am certainly not up on the latest gossip. Still, I have heard people say that he claims that his witticisms are all sweetness and light. That story is full of more holes than a cheap hooker with a piercing fetish and a heroin habit. It's easy to see that we must not miss our chance to find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts, but let me tell you the rest of the story: Vincent wants to prohibit any discussion of her attempts to make higher education accessible only to those in the higher echelons of society. While it is clear why he wants that to be a taboo subject, Vincent either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. He even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to break down age-old institutions and customs. With this letter, I hope I have made my views crystal-clear: I pray for the day when those who make nearby communities victims of environmental degradation and toxic waste dumping will see what they're doing to the world and to all of its citizens.

This is what we learnt to write in High School English.

Tim said...
