Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Multitask 2


Some other things I want to share, while I've already started a post:
-I'm kinda disappointed Sucker Punch got such crappy reviews. I really thought it had potential to be a great movie (like, actually a really good movie). Of course, its still possible I'll like it because I haven't watched it yet. Anyway, let's hope Zack Snyder gets more success with his upcoming Superman movie.
-Finally watched some movies last weekend after about four movie-free weeks! I watched Dr. Strangelove and Raging Bull.
-Borrowed Maus from the school library, which was a pleasant surprise when I found it. I really think our library has the most amazing graphic novel collection. So many quality works like Sandman and stuff by Alan Moore. I borrowed Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud last year, which is essentially an essay about comics written in graphic novel form. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that it changed the way I thought about not just comics but art in general.

Okay, that turned out longer than I thought it would. There was something else I wanted to blog about too but I think I'll do that tomorrow/the day after/later when I feel like it.

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