Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When I'm waiting for my mum to go to sleep or take a shower so that i can do whatever i want, i usually spend my time on wikipedia. It's amazing the stuff that find there.

For example, did u know that there is a real life superhero who wears a wrestler mask, and instead of fighting corruption with violence, he uses his unique image to organize labour rallies and petitions?
And did you know there is a real life female superhero who patrols bars making sure that drunk women are not taken advantage of? Her utility belt includes items such as pepper spray, a cell phone, lipstick, a camera and Smarties for energy. She even has her own arch nemesis, Fantastico, a man who preys on drunk women.
Finally my personal favourite (although this one isnt real) is from the Underground Comedy Movie. He is Dickman and he dresses in a giant penis costume and defeats his enemies by squirting them with semen. I was actually surprised the movie wasn't directed by Edward Cong.

Office quote of the day: Season 6 has just ended so no more quotes until the next season (which is the last!)

That is all.

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