Saturday, June 19, 2010


I had Shakespeare Festival on Friday with Falko, Louie, Lindy and Tim. Our performance went really well, and the audience really liked it. We didn't have very high expectations so when everyone laughed at our jokes (even some we didn't think were funny), that felt very good. The other performances were outstanding, especially all the ones from Abbotsleigh, who pretty much won everything. Overall a pretty fun day.

A though occured to me yesterday that some television advertisements would need directors to create. I wondered who these advertisement directors were and whether they liked their job. It's hard to imagine someone graduating from film school and then deciding they want to direct TV commercials for a living. I mean some commercials are so beautifully shot you wonder how much creativity was spent making these things.

One very exceptional case of this is the Chanel No. 5 ad directed by Baz Luhrmann. This mother of all ads had a budget of US$42million and starred Nicole Kidman and Rodrigo Santoro (who played Xerxes in 300). It didn't make me really want to buy any Chanel No.5 though.

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