Saturday, November 7, 2009


Had quite a bad night's sleep last night.

You may or may not know that I am taking part in some research study, where I gotta use night contacts for one eye and day contacts in the other. In return, I save more than $1000 because I get free hard contacts. Anyway, on Thursday night I accidentally slept with my day contacts on instead of my night ones, because I got my left and right confused. As a result, I got conjunctivitis. This meant that mucus would come out of my eyes and harden, effectively sealing my eyelids shut. During the night, I had to uncake my eyes at an hourly basis. This was quite unpleasant because my eye felt quite sore.

Anyway, this strange turn of events made for an interesting start to the day and at least gave me something cool to blog about. The doctor prescribed me these eyedrops to use four times a day. I also have to wear glasses now.

I really really hope that my eye problems and my cold clear up before the cadet bivouac next weekend and Peer Support camp the day straight afterwards.

Word of the day today is abeyance, meaning suspension or temporary cessation. As in, Futurama had fallen into a five year abeyance before being picked up again in 2008.

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