Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Holiday Plans

People often ask each other what they plan to do in the holidays. I plan to watch the many movies I downloaded over the school term to watch on weekends but couldn't be bothered/didn't have time to do so.

I started yesterday, and watched Fight Club. It's pretty unique to most of the movies I've watched. The acting was awesome.

Now for a funny joke to end the post:

The body organs of someone's body are arguing over who's the real boss of the body.

"I control every part of the body. I give purpose and direction. I'm obviously the boss," argues Brain.

"I give pump blood around the body. I provide nutrients and give life. I'm the boss," protests Heart.

"Without me, you couldn't survive for five minutes. I'm the boss," declares Lungs.

Finally Anus pipes up. "I think I should be boss."

All the other parts laugh at the idea of Anus being the boss. Upset and annoyed, Anus closes himself up. Within days, the body became so full of shit that Brain, Heart and Lungs unanimously agreed that Anus should be boss.

The moral of the story is that the boss is always an asshole.

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