Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm going to take this opportunity to promote the (James Ruse) school library.

I don't know how many faithful readers of this blog know this, but our library has a kick-ass comic book (or if you prefer, graphic novel) collection. It's about time someone gave it some recognition.

There's volumes of all the greatest comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Dilbert even a huge volume of Popeye strips. Hours of great light reading right there. There's also a lot of Tintin and Asterix.

Anyone looking for some quality graphic novels should look no further than the collection of Alan Moore's works. This guy is pretty much the most acclaimed comic book writer there is. The library has copies of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Tom Strong and The Killing Joke.

And let's not forget that the library owns the entire Sandman series. Unfortunately, I've only read the first volume but eagerly anticipate reading the other twelve or so. I'd recommend this series to anyone interested in reading a comic for the first time.

Last but not least, there's the superhero comics. There are quite a lot of Batman comics, though many of the volumes are frustratingly incomplete. For example, there's Volume 2 of Hush series but not Volume 1. Maybe someone borrowed it and never returned it. Anyway, Batman: Hush is a good place to start for anyone wanting to find out about the Batman mythology.

There's also a lot of manga but seriously, who the hell reads manga?

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