Tuesday, December 29, 2009


On monday, i watched avatar at IMAXXXXXXX!!! It's about this cripple guy who gets to be this awesome amazing huge alien thing using mind control (avatar, not imax). The first half hour of the movie is the best, becuase ur not used to the 3d effects yet and it looks so cool. The special effects in the movie are awesome, because all the stuff looks so real. Sam Worthington is also really good in this movie, even when he's that alien and the motion capture is so much better than previous films, eg. Beowulf.
The story is a bit simple and its really predictable, you know what's going to happen half an hour before it actually does, but that sort of works, because you want Jake to ride that huge badass dragon.

An excellent movie with excellent special effects.

Rating: 4.5/5

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